Monday, August 24, 2009


Just a quick update on what I've learned about Ramadan.

Apparently you may eat up until the first call to prayer. That call to prayer is currently at about 4:30 am. Then you fast all day long, neither eating nor drinking until around 7:30 pm at the evening and last call to prayer. Then you scarf down some food before heading to prayer. Then come back and eat a very large dinner at the usual 9:30 or 10 pm time frame.

The explanation I got from one of my co-workers as to what Ramadan is about is as follows. She said that they are supposed to fast so that they might understand how the poor people feel. She also said that they are supposed to give the money that they save from not eating all day to the poor. She also happened to say that many people have lost sight of this.

Also from a neutral point of view I find it perplexing that the prices of food go up during Ramadan because that would mean that this time is actually harder for the poor to get food.

Interesting...very interesting...

1 comment:

abbi stern said...

hm that is interesting. it brings to thought 'rituals' we do without thinking, be it in our own spiritual walk or daily lives, and perhaps need to stop and question what and why.
how long does this last? a month?