Friday, April 3, 2009

Issues Brewing...

So you remember the saga of Hank, Jake, and Gary right? Well there is some new pertinent information about them. I have now learned not to just throw open the door and walk in to join them. One night I was doing this to go brush my teeth and Hank landed on my shoulder. I wasn't wearing a shirt at the time! Lets just say I stood up very straight in the second it took him to jump back to the wall. I still managed not to kill him though, I mean it wasn't his fault I came barging into his home right? The other thing I realized tonight is that I got the names wrong. They should be Hank, Jake, and Mary! Yeah, that's right there are little ones running around. They seem pretty skittish so I'm assuming they are Hank's but maybe Jake's just been telling horror stories about what happens when you cross me and they're scared by me still. Either way, it's still weird to see the little brood running around when I thought it was just me and the guys.

1 comment:

Jojo & Scott said...

I tried to give my little friends here at the MCC guest house some time to hide this morning at 4:00am, but they all wanted to say hi. I even purposefully turned the light on and opened the door very slowly. I just call them my little friends, we leave tomorrow and I didn't want to get attached, good byes are so hard.