Saturday, May 21, 2011

Missionary Midnight

How many of you have ever heard of missionary midnight? It is a joke based on the idea that 10pm is a missionary's equivalent to midnight and therefore you are almost always in bed by then. Last night a group of my friends (a wonderful group of people) threw me an early birthday party. During the later stages of this party a new idea sprung forth. MISSIONARY TWISTER! Larry wanted to play twister but we didn't have a board. So we got some dry erase markers and labeled the tiles on the floor with Red, Yellow, Blue, and Green. Unfortunately, we didn't have colored markers, just black, so we just labeled them with letters. This lead to Dave's now famous comment, "Missionary Twister, we're so poor we can't even afford color!" We then skipped out on the spinner (because we didn't have one) and used four dutch blitz cards (just happen to be red, yellow, blue, and green!). Our designated caller, Gill, would pick a limb based off her random whim then draw a card for color. At times, it was very questionable whether these choices were random at all (they most definitely were not) but it was a good challenge and lots of fun. There are lots of pictures from this event that I hope never find their way to the internet! Esther threatened to send them directly to my mother but I assured her that no pictures of me doing anything silly would be surprising to my mother at this point.

Moral of the Story: Just like my childhood, in Bangladesh sometimes creating your own fun beats commercialized fun.

1 comment:

Aunt Susan said...

But we would still like to see those pictures!!