Sunday, May 29, 2011


This past weekend I was riding a motorcycle through town and got stuck behind a van. I had resigned myself to being stuck behind this van for a good distance because of the way traffic was at the time when as we rounded a slight bend in the elephant appeared. You may wonder what this has to do with the van? Well in Bangladesh it isn't that uncommon for people with elephants to just wander around taking money from cars in exchange for not tearing up their car. It is just one more form of corruption. Fortunately for me, an elephant cannot hold up a motorcycle and I was able to pass the van just fine. I was in a truck once that was held up by an elephant but our driver saw it coming and managed to squeeze around the elephant quickly because the truck is more agile and quick than most vehicles in Bangladesh.

In other news, I'll be back in the US next week for a two month home leave. Maybe I'll see you there?


Bradly Jones said...

lol. this is really funny. But i haven't encountered such situation while i was there. well, it sounds bangladeshi that's certain.

call Bangladesh

abigail stern said...

nu huh! this is beyond ridiculous