Friday, February 6, 2009

Random things...literally

This past week I finished up language study. That means this next week I'll start in doing the job I was hired to do. So next week I'll probably let you know more details about what I'll actually be doing. This past week was a good one. I had a lot of good connections with friends and family. I even got to watch the Superbowl via skype on my Steven's 13" tv. The quality was horrible but beggars can't be choosers. I even found out that a good friend got engaged. So all in all a great week.

I can't think of anything real interesting to talk about beyond those couple of things so here is the promised randomness.

25 random things about me, because it's going around facebook and I can't resist this sort of thing.

1. I have stood on top of a barn just to get better cell phone reception.
2. My best time to complete a 5 mile run is 47:28.
3. Thanks to what I call, “the Bangladesh diet” I now weigh less than I have since entering high school. I was also a couple inches shorter then. The only problem with this is that I now have a bunch of pants that barely fit.
4. I have cried twice over goats. Once in an argument with my mom. The other time was when my 2nd favorite goat died suddenly after having been third in her class (out of like 40) at the National show earlier in the year.
5. I’m pretty sure that my fingernails got painted at least once in all four of my years in college for one reason or another.
6. Despite my often crazy demeanor, I have never had a broken bone or had stitches.
7. I just realized that I have lots of bad experiences with excesses of foods. Immediately in my mind I remember, 11 shots of Frank’s Red Hot Sauce, 8 glasses of milk, an attempt at a 3 lb. pizza, and all you can eat shrimp. Only one of them ended with me throwing up though.
8. I once thought it was a lot of fun to hit rocks up in the air with a tennis racket bought at Goodwill. Then I broke the back window of my older brother’s car with one of those rocks. I didn’t find it as fun to pay for the window.
9. I try to be as honest as I feel I can be with people.
10. The only irrational fear I can remember from my childhood was my fear of raccoons after dark in the barn. No fear of them during the day, just at night and only in the barn.
11. Unless I’m really desperate, I will only eat cookies if they are fresh out of the oven.
12. I’m a certified lifeguard.
13. I often dream of wandering the world. I also often dream of going home and living in the same place for the rest of my life.
14. I butchered a goat for a school project once.
15. I once bought a pair of pants thinking I would, “shrink into them.” My co-workers at the time laughed at me. It took me two years but I finally fit in them, lol.
16. In a recent trip I ate local food many times and on several occasions only realized it was spicy when my nose was runny at the finish.
17. I have been part of the blowing up of a microwave.
18. I am super loyal. If you have ever been my friend, you are still my friend regardless of whether I have talked to you in a really long time or not.
19. At one point in time, my niece would listen to me over my sister (her mother). During that time my niece did a lot of, “Arrrrrrrrr”ing like a pirate and gave a lot of bear hugs.
20. I have been a major factor in a youth sponsor having his Achilles tendon torn, a professor breaking his wrist, and a classmate dislocating her shoulder.
21. Many of my current fears revolve around hair. For instance, I fear that my beard will grow into my eyebrows.
22. I once slept on the balcony of a hotel room for a week straight.
23. I learned to do a cartwheel at the age of 23.
24. I don’t typically kill spiders if I see them. They don’t usually bother me and they eat many other bugs that I hate far more than them.
25. I was once Santa Claus in the 5th grade Christmas concert. My only lines were, “Rudolph with your nose so bright, won’t you guide my sleigh tonight?” I forgot them.

1 comment:

Shelley said...

So either I'm relieved to know that we're still friends, or I'm ignorant to the fact that we never were friends...
How are you?