Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day go by and Seasons Change

This past week I have been in Dhaka doing some work and I took the opportunity to invite some friends over and make a full dinner for 8 by myself. Not something I would advise everyone doing but I really did enjoy it. I ended up making honey-mustard chicken, baked potatoes, coleslaw, rolls, deviled eggs, and cookies for dessert. I had hoped to do some of the things a few days ahead of time but ended up watching after some MCC A Common Place writers instead (not punishment by any means). So I ended up doing it all in two days. It worked out fine even if I lost out on some sleep and it was lovely having wonderful people over for the evening. I had an invitation to a birthday party the next night and someone at dinner suggested I take some of the cookies I had made the next evening. I didn't think I had enough of those, so I made some chocolate cupcakes to go with them. The cookies turned out to be quite popular, though I must say that they are my mother's recipe so I can't take any credit for them.

In other news, I had a great time at the birthday party and met some cool new people. I even met one person whom I found drawing a positive view of Bangladesh out of me. I don't think I've ever had anyone start with the positives of Bangladesh without at least joking about some of the negatives first. I thought that was pretty cool and it reminded me of how much my view of this place changes over time. Now it would help if I could just remember their name so I could add them as a friend on facebook.

The next day I went to the Dhaka office picnic. Highlights of the day included: getting to talk to Alison D'Silva on the phone after she called her dad whom I happened to be watching birds with, playing football (soccer) barefoot with the kids (even if I did manage to kick the ball into the river), a walk around the grounds of the picnic area that included the sights and smells of a cow barn, and good conversations with the staff. The only complaints of the day were that it was a bit hot and gotten eaten alive by mosquitoes on the way home (pretty average and anticipated terrible occurrences when you live in Bangladesh).

Life has really been pretty good this week.


Jackie W. said...

Phil, I didn't know you were such a chef/baker!? I'm impressed!

abigail stern said...

i getcha.. its been quite an adjustment for me to cook every week for 8 people... usually i cook with someone, but sometimes i have to do it by myself. the hardest is knowing how much to make / how much people will eat!