Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I enjoy challenges...and talking loud.

I've been in my new job for all of 3 work days now and so far, I love it.  It has been really busy and at some points really daunting but I'm being challenged. Out of the challenge arises lots of learning and joy because of accomplishment. Most of my job is just to assist the experts in the planning of their jobs. I also get to help trouble shoot problems. That allows me to be creative. I don't even mind so far that I'm going to have to be incredibly organized for this job (something I have not been so great at in the past). It is a headache that I'm thrilled with so far.

Speaking of headaches, I was reminded this past week of something that I really enjoy about Bangladesh. Loud talking is not considered rude! In the course of a debate between many people, everyone starts talking really loud here and no one takes it as being out of anger. You can say something very forcefully without someone being worried about you being angry. Given that I have about zero control over my voice level, this is a perfect situation for me. That said, if you start yelling here, you are generally presumed to have lost the game as showing anger is generally considered inappropriate.

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