Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sacrifice Eid

People aren't very good at following directions in Bangladesh...

The Eid sacrifice makes the lake run with blood. I thought of the biblical story of the Nile turning to blood in this situation. What you can't see clearly here is enormous amount of fish swimming around in the bloody water. They were having a hay day munching on whatever fish munch on in blood.

Trick or treat anyone? This lady was taking her two children around with bags to collect beef scraps from the local wealthy people who were able to sacrifice a cow. The street are filled with poorer people doing this on Eid afternoon. I've heard that rich people may even give out money with the meat.

This weekend was Eid-al-Adha. This is the sacrifice Eid. Everyone leaves to go to their village home and those who stay in Dhaka are either too poor to have a village home or rich enough to have a home in Dhaka. This creates a very empty Dhaka with what supposedly was 400,000 cows to be sacrificed. The cost of cows doubles or triples at this time of year and from my understanding wealthy families are expected to buy and sacrifice one if they are able. They are then to distribute 1/3 to the poor, 1/3 to their neighbors, and 1/3 goes to their extended family. It is kind of a big deal here. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe they should post a sign in Bangla instead of English...then again they probably can't read anyways.