Sunday, November 7, 2010

Insights or Reminders

Ever have those days where you are reminded of how strong parts of your personality are? Today was one of those days for me. I had an all day meeting where 3 of us were working out a plan for a future project. I started off the morning tired since I didn't sleep well last night which totally killed my ability to be patient. That was reminder number 1 (I have a terrible time being patient when I'm tired). Then we started working together as a group to do our long tedious job. I personally like to work in spurts. Sometimes that means that I work with reckless abandon and other times that means I think far to thoroughly about something before I do it. Unfortunately, that isn't a working style that is conducive to good group work at all times. If I'm confident on the subject, I'll often times be really pushing the tempo but if I don't feel like I grasp the subject well, I might annoy people by asking all sorts of questions. It takes a lot of energy out of me either way. After several hours of group work I always have to have some time to myself to recoup. This is the part of my personality I might guess that most people don't really always understand. I'm an extroverted, carefree, go with the flow guy but I have to have time to sit back and process things later. When I'm processing things I often go over all the events and recognize all the dumb or awkward things I've done (yes I do indeed recognize that I've done it eventually). I also spend a lot of time pondering everyone's reactions to everything. Unfortunately, as you may have noticed, I don't always turn this reflection time into wisdom later on. I suspect that I might eventually get better at this since I do seem to be trending that direction. Let's hope that holds up, I say a lot of stupid things even at 25.

On a mildly related note (since I have no clue where I was heading with that last paragraph), I did some baking the other day and that was fun! I finally managed to bake something in my pyrex dish that didn't burn. It was a chocolate chip cookie bar recipe that I got offline. It wasn't all that great but I think if I added some peanut butter to it, then it might be kind of tasty. Oh, I should probably explain that the mild relation was that I find baking to be very relaxing and therapeutic. One thing you have to watch out for in Bangladesh though is that the power goes off a lot. This can make for a lot of frustration. I avoid this as much as possible by baking late at night or early in the morning when the electricity is the most consistent, which actually explains why I'm so tired today. That reminds me, I should go home so I can go to bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's my boy! Mom