Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Return

I could probably write about 30 posts right now. I won't, but I could. :-)

I guess the place to start then is to talk about my return and highlight where I'm at.

I returned to Bangladesh yesterday morning. The airport was a friendly reminder that I was "home" as 5 flights came in around the same time and apparently only 1 of 3 baggage cart unloaders was in working condition. Seeing the familiar face of the driver as I walked out of the airport was pleasant. Then I on the drive back to the apartment I started feeling real excitement. I think for some reason most people expected me to feel some sort of sense of dread or sadness that I have returned but this isn't the case. I'm not really sure why this is. Perhaps it is because I am very aware of what I'm getting myself into. I get the impression that this is why people normally dread coming back to Bangladesh. For me, it actually is more comforting than scary though because there is direction and understand this time around. I know what 1.5 years in Bangladesh is like. I know approximately what I'll be doing. I know what things are going to bother me. I know what things I need to work on. I know that this will help me grow as a person.

Another perspective some might throw out is that one would expect that I'd be sad to leave my family and friends behind again. The biggest reason this isn't such an issue for me is that I know for sure at this point that distance is no match for a foundation of love. I have that foundation with many people back in America and, while being in Bangladesh definitely changes the buildings that are on those foundations, I know I can trust in those foundations to remain strong or even be stronger as a result of my being here. On top of that, I have a real sense that this is where I'm supposed to be. I don't talk about that too much, but it is something I have a lot of faith in. I feel like God placed this path in front of me for a reason and trusting in that is more comforting than I could have ever imagined.

That said, here I am starting up again. I know that in the coming days and months it will be easier for me to be excited about new challenges than to actually accomplish them. I think that is the real test I am facing at this point in my life. Can I be a detail oriented finisher at even an acceptable level? I must admit, I'm somewhat apprehensive to learn the answer to that question. Other than that, I view life as beautiful at this point.

To those of you in the States, thank you. Thank you for being wonderful.

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