Sunday, November 8, 2009

Things I saw on my way to work this morning.

The first thing I saw was something like 4 neighbor kids come out on the front porch of their house to yell at me. There is something about me on a motorcycle that they never seem to get tired of.

Then I saw a little girl (maybe 12?) brushing her teeth.

As I got out of my village I saw a fat short guy running at a pace that I'm sure I could walk faster than. He definitely seemed out of place.

I also saw a Muslim guy walking with prayer beads. I haven't seen too many of those either.

Some fields of rice were beginning to be harvested.

I saw a group of nomadic gypsies starting their day.

I also saw a group of about 50 soldiers in shorts and "A" shirts finishing up their morning run.

My final joy of my morning ride into work was seeing an older man with a very nicely trimmed beard and Muslim tupee (prayer hat). That description is only from the head up of course, from the neck down he was wearing a full windbreaker running suit which was complete with many large patches of vibrant colors like purple, yellow, and red. It took me back to my childhood when I small part of the US population thought that such things looked good.

To be truthful with you, I was sad at how few people I did see brushing their teeth this morning. For some reason Bengalis seem to like to stand on the street while they do it and often times I'll see 5 or 6 people brushing their teeth before I'm even out of my own village.

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