Friday, January 13, 2012

A rather sad acheivement

I did something yesterday for the very first time in all my 26 years. I joined some friends to play softball in the morning before church. I had a great time despite our team getting obliterated. After the game, there was still about an hour to go until I needed to head to church, so I hung around with some friends and watched the next game. While we were chatting we started up a conversation with a lady who was managing the team playing after us. The conversation was about my brother Steven's favorite stomach bug giardhia (sp?). During the course of the conversation she talked about the fact that her husband and her are here with Chevron and the worker care they do for their employees. That morphed into a conversation about what they are doing with Chevron and that they had to work over Christmas because of a project. Then she said some words that I have never heard before. She said, "Working Christmas wasn't too big of a deal with us because we're Jewish."

I now for the first time ever in my life, know a Jewish person.

I feel like that is really pathetic to say at 26, but the truth of the matter is I grew up in rural Indiana and went to University in rural Ohio before coming to live in rural Bangladesh. There are very few Jewish people in any of those locations. I'm not surprised at all that she is just a normal person. I just wish I could remember her name!

1 comment:

Donny said...

You've got a Jewish blog follower too.