Wednesday, April 22, 2009


So I just had a slight break and I thought I would rattle off something that I thought of this morning.

So it has about been six months now since I got here. (I just used so to start off two straight sentences. >.<) But yeah, it hasn't seemed like nearly that long. As I pondered the meaning of it not seeming long, I realized something. I completely missed out on a traditional winter for the first time in my life. I'm wondering if not having a long period of time where it was ridiculously cold has thrown off my perception of time? Will this continue to be the case? I don't know for sure but I'll probably eventually figure it out. Maybe getting used to the weather cycles here will get me re-acclimated to a yearly calender? This also leads to another thought. We always talk about how everywhere people go they talk about the weather. Maybe that is less of a commentary on the weather itself and more of a recognition of time? This line of thought leads me to one last question. If this global warming thing is happening and does happen the way scientists predict, how is that going to affect societies perception of time?

Sleep well.


Jon said...

i believe you have way too much time

Unknown said...

My head hurts.

Anonymous said...

Lighten up!