Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Big Bang Strikes Again

Forgot to post last week...oops. So this is a talk about the pondering and happenings of the past two weeks.

It has dried up considerably since my last post. The road is no longer inches of pure mud. It has rained the last two days in a row but they were morning showers and everything dries out fast after those. I'm still amazed at how much water this country can hold.

This past week we said goodbye to Jodi for the final time. That involved going to Dhaka and spending some time hanging out as a group. It's never a joyous occasion to see some one leave but since she lives in Ohio, I'm sure I'll see here again. That makes saying goodbye easier. Her leaving will definitely change the dynamic in Bogra. Social life has pretty much revolved around her for most of the last 2 years. Part of this is due to her jubilant personality and part of it is due to her house being strategically located. It will be interesting to see how we compensate for that. Bangladesh did give her a going away present. She got sick for the final days before she left.

Speaking of sickness, health has been a real issue around these parts. Ben was also sick last week and it seems I've got some sort of cold this week. Then on top of that, Nate had a motorcycle accident and broke his hand. He ended up having surgery on it to make sure it is set properly. I guess they told him that if he was 60 or a construction worker, it wouldn't need surgery, but because he is both young and a computer worker, he needed it. That makes me the only person in our household to have not broken an extremity in Bangladesh. I hope it stays that way.

I planned on having guests over for dinner last night but I had to postpone that due to electricity issues. As in, there wasn't any the night before. I got home in the evening and the power was off. I'm so used to this by now that I thought nothing of it, so I started mixing up brownies to pop in the oven when the power returned. Then I sat down to wait on the electricity to return. Only, it never did. I napped on the couch for awhile knowing that if the power came back on the lights and fans would wake me up. Then at about 12:30 the small battery powered fan I was using to make things bearable, died. So I grabbed Nate's battery powered fan and moved to my bed. At about 2:30 his fan also died. That left me sitting there sweating (literally and figuratively) with the knowledge that if the power hasn't come on in 5 hours, it isn't likely to do so soon. So I moved my sheet to the floor and slept on the concrete for the rest of the night because it is cooler than my bed. They said the electricity finally came back on sometime late yesterday morning but by then I had already rescheduled for fear that it wouldn't. I was finally able to bake my brownies last night. :-) I'm still working on the timing when using my new pyrex dish though and I might have burned them a bit.

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